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Meet Dr. Chloe Parris

Dr. ChloeDr. Chloe wants to help her Spartanburg patients remove themselves from the hamster wheel of stress and its detrimental effects on their bodies, spirits, and even their families.

At 864 Chiropractic, she offers people who want a more natural alternative to improving their health and wellness and that of their loved ones, through comprehensive chiropractic care. Many of her patients don’t realize it at first, but through gentle and safe adjustments, the subluxations they’ve been carrying around can be removed, and patients can regain control over their bodies.

In turn, they can improve discomfort, pain, and so many other related symptoms.

Getting on the Chiropractic Path

Dr. Chloe didn’t always intend to be a chiropractor. In fact, as she’s quick to explain, in a twist of fate, chiropractic found its way to her instead.

Both of her parents were in the healthcare field during her childhood and adolescence. Dr. Chloe knew she wanted to do something in health care where she’d be able to make an impact in other people’s lives. After graduating with her undergraduate degree, Dr. Chloe set her sights on a career in chiropractic care.

While working in a chiropractor’s office, she discovered the many benefits and the amazing impact chiropractic has on people’s lives. This experience inspired her to attend school at Sherman College of Chiropractic. She had the unique experience of discovering the many benefits and the amazing impact chiropractic can have on people’s lives.

Having graduated from chiropractic college at Sherman College of Chiropractic in June 2023, Dr. Chloe opened 864 Chiropractic just one month later, and the rest, as they say, is history. She’s now excited to welcome new patients into the fold in Spartanburg, helping them learn how chiropractic can unlock their body’s potential without the harsh side effects of medication or other medical interventions.

Shaking hands with womanA Lifelong Love for the Community

Though running her practice is her priority and a labor of love that takes up much of her time, Dr. Chloe enjoys playing with her dog, taking her for long walks, hanging out with her loved ones, and attending concerts. You will likely also catch her at the farmers market on Saturday mornings!

Become a Part of Our Practice Family. Call Today!

You’ll feel at home when you walk into Dr. Chloe’s office. Her megawatt smile and bubbly personality will put you at ease, and you immediately feel like part of the practice family.

Contact Dr. Chloe today to learn how she can help you live life to the fullest and thrive!

Dr. Chloe Parris | (864) 606-4692