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New Practice Members at 864 Chiropractic

Chiropractic care is the key to unlocking optimal health and wellness for the entire family without the need for harmful medications and prescriptions.

Targeted, highly skilled adjustments performed by trusted Spartanburg chiropractor Dr. Chloe Parris work to remove misalignments in your nervous system, alleviating symptoms like neck, lower back, and shoulder pain, hip discomfort, headaches, and migraines.

It’s also a great tool to use during pregnancy to relieve discomfort, improve labor and delivery, and boost the well-being of babies and children.

Preparing for Your First Appointment

As you prepare for your first visit, paperwork will be sent to you beforehand. If you aren’t able to take care of it ahead of time, simply arrive about 15 minutes early on the day of your appointment. Feel free to dress however you’re most comfortable.

Dr. Chloe might be with another practice member when you arrive, but she will be with you shortly. When it’s time for your appointment, she’ll ask you for a general health history, going over what you’ve experienced, your symptoms, and your goals for chiropractic treatment.

She’ll then prepare you for what to expect during adjustments, explain how chiropractic works, and how it might apply to your specific symptoms.

Back adjustment

Delivering Care, Customized to You

Next, Dr. Chloe will look at your spine, take you through range of motion exercises, and perform other related tasks necessary to get to the root cause of your pain, discomfort, or reason for seeking chiropractic care.

You will then receive your first adjustment. From there, Dr. Chloe will recommend further treatments based on your goals and symptoms and how they affect your quality of life. If she finds she needs an X-ray to delve further into your case, she may refer you out for that.

Your first appointment will typically last about 40 minutes. At the end of the appointment, Dr. Chloe will help you understand the financial obligations you have for your treatment schedule and her membership plan.

Offering Three Membership Tier Options

Dr. Chloe offers a three-tiered option for her membership-based practice, with one membership choice each for a single patient, couple, and family.

You can have two visits per week when you sign up for a membership. That typically covers your initial plan of care as you work through getting to the core misalignments causing your symptoms of pain or discomfort for the first time.

Even as you enter a maintenance phase, a membership allows you the freedom to come in for an extra appointment when you need a boost. Perhaps you’ve had to sit for longer hours in front of the computer this week, and your neck feels the effects. Or maybe your family is recovering from the cold that was passed around at daycare, and you want everyone to be adjusted an extra time for good measure.

Whatever the case may be, you can come in for a second adjustment in a week’s time under your paid membership, which helps you correct the misalignment but also supports the healing of the affected area.

You may also use your health savings account for payment, and we accept all credit cards for payment.

Comprehensive, Natural Care for the Family

Chiropractic benefits the whole family, and we’ll get to the core of what is causing your symptoms. From pain relief to pregnancy care and safe, gentle adjustments for kids, Dr. Chloe is here for you and wants to become your trusted source for holistic health and wellness care. Contact us today to schedule a visit!

New Practice Members at 864 Chiropractic | (864) 606-4692