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Pediatric Chiropractic in Spartanburg SC

Pediatric chiropractic care allows children’s body systems to work and communicate with one another properly as they grow and adapt to life around them.

Childhood can be rough on a little one’s body, though it’s easy to overlook because our kids are always active and on the go. From their birthing experience, which can be a traumatic experience for many babies, to the bumps and bruises of learning to crawl and walk and minor bumps while engaged in play, kids can easily develop misalignments along the way.

Chiropractic nourishes the brain-body connection, keeping it in optimal working condition and giving babies and kids the best chance of adapting as they grow and develop.

Safe & Gentle Adjustments, Tailor-Made for Kids

After you fill out paperwork beforehand or in our office on the day of your child’s appointment, Dr. Chloe will get to work, putting your little one at ease before their adjustment. She’ll play with them and show them around the treatment room, introducing them to the Activator equipment and how it sounds while it’s working, making them as comfortable as possible with the process.

The Activator is a tool with a spring-loaded component. It delivers a fast yet gentle and precise adjustment to restore the range of motion to the vertebrae in the spine and joints in their extremities when necessary. It’s perfectly safe and feels like a very light touch.

Baby by toys
More often than not, when kids understand what it is, they’re no longer afraid and ready to get their adjustment done.

Help Your Little One Flourish

Our young patients have a multitude of success stories throughout our practice. While receiving chiropractic care, many kiddos have also experienced reduced or controlled colic symptoms. Patients have also seen bowel concerns corrected and fewer ear infections. Children who miss milestones in their growth and development are back on track, babies are less fussy and irritable, and older children experience fewer symptoms of ADHD.

Build a Better Foundation of Health. Call today!

We can’t bubble-wrap our babies and kids, but we can give them an amazing foundation of health and wellness through chiropractic care and prepare them for the bumps along life’s path. Contact us today to schedule your child’s first visit, and let’s get started!

Pediatric Chiropractic Spartanburg SC | (864) 606-4692